This week our 3rd class children explored how shadows are made. They used flashlights and stick puppets to cast shadows. They investigated why some shadows are big and others are small. The children got their creative brains working and created different shadows using their hands. Take a look and see how they created a love heart and a dog.
Energy and Forces – Building Rafts
Over the last few weeks Mr Hogan’s Third Class have been looking at why different materials float or sink. We tested different objects and observed if they sank or float. We then explored how the design of ships helps to keep them afloat. The children were given the challenge of constructing a raft with only the materials provided. First, they discussed which of the materials would float. They then planned the design of their raft. They worked together to build a raft that would float.
The children then tested their rafts in a container of water. Some of the rafts capsized and others floated. This provided a great focus for our discussion. We talked about why this happened and constructed ideas as to how we could make our rafts better. The children thoroughly enjoyed this challenge.
Who Can Build the Tallest Structure?
Mr Hogan’s Third Class children were given the challenge of building the tallest structure using spaghetti and 5 marshmallows. The children drew a plan for their structure. They were then given 15 minutes to build the tallest structure. The children created unique and fascinating structures. They showed great determination as, even though some of the structures collapsed, they never gave up and tried again.
Engineers Week – Catapults
Ms O’ Driscoll’s and Mr Hogan’s Third Class had great fun constructing prototype catapults during Engineers week. They first followed instructions to create a basic catapult. They then worked in small groups to enhance their catapults. They discussed and combined their unique ideas to create very interesting prototypes. Take a look at the children at work and some of their finished catapults.
Measure – Telling the Time
This week the children made clocks. They attached the numbers to the circle to create their clock. The children are having great fun using these clocks to show the time.