Summary of Covid-19 measures in schools from February 28th 2022

The information below is summarised from the Department of Education Information note number 03/22 and from the HSPC document ‘Public Health Advice for the management of Covid-19 cases and contacts’.  These documents can be found below:

Measures being retained:  The following measures will be retained in Primary Schools:  

**N.B.**** Staying at home if you have symptoms

The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains – for students and staff alike. One of the key messages to manage the risks of COVID-19 is to do everything practical to avoid the introduction of COVID-19 into the school. If infection is not introduced it cannot be spread. 

Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 or other viral respiratory tract infection, regardless of vaccination status, should immediately self-isolate until 48 hours after symptoms have substantially or fully resolved. Please note children can have persistent minor symptoms e.g. a cough. However, if all new or acute symptoms have substantially or fully resolved, children can return to school or crèche. If their condition significantly deteriorates, please contact your GP for further advice.

Hand Hygiene

Scoil Barra will continue to promote good hygiene. Hand hygiene can be achieved by hand washing or use of a hand sanitiser.  

 Cleaning and Hygiene

The enhanced cleaning required to minimise the risks of COVID-19 will continue through to the end of this school year. 

Antigen Testing Arrangements

As part of the transition arrangements the HSE will continue with the current  processes to support the provision of antigen tests to primary schools, special schools and childcare settings.   The Antigen Free phone number is: 1800 110055 or parents may order antigen  tests online via  

Confirmed Case of Covid-19

All confirmed cases should self-isolate for 7 full days from date of onset of symptoms or if asymptomatic, from the date of a positive test result.  Confirmed cases can exit self-isolation after 7 full days, once symptoms have substantially or fully resolved for the final 2 days (48 hours) of the self-isolation period.

Measures that have changed:

Asymptomatic Close Contacts

Asymptomatic close contacts do not need to restrict movements, regardless of vaccination status.

Face coverings/mask wearing

It is no longer a requirement for staff or pupils/students to wear a face covering/mask in school.  If members of staff or students wish to continue wearing face coverings/masks, they may do so.  

Physical Distancing

As the general requirement for physical distancing in society no longer applies, schools are no longer required to maintain class pods and bubbles.

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