FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

N.B. Updated March 2022: Changes to Covid Arrangements in Schools

See https://www.scoilbarra.ie/summary-of-covid-19-measures-in-schools-from-february-28th-2022/

Should I give my child an antigen test?

Please see the information here from the Department of Education re. Antigen testing.

My child has recently returned from a family trip abroad. Can I send them to school?

Please see https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/travel_and_recreation/travel_to_ireland/travel_to_ireland_during_covid.html for more information

My child has a temperature and a cough. Should I send them to school?

In accordance with Government directives, children who are displaying colds, coughs or flu-like symptoms should not be sent to school. You may ring your family doctor (GP) for further advice on this. Please arrange a PCR test.

Will there be staggered times for the pupils?

Yes, arrivals and departures will be staggered somewhat, especially in the first week. All of the details can be found here: https://www.scoilbarra.ie/drop-off-and-collection/

What is the visitor/contact log?

All visitors to the school must make an appointment. All visitors to the school building will complete a detailed contact tracing log.

How can I contact a teacher?

There are several avenues of communication. For brief messages, you can contact your child’s class teacher via their class-level email address.

You may also email the school info@scoilbarra.ie and mark it for the attention of a specific teacher.

Alternatively, you can contact the office and our secretary can pass on the message to a teacher.

You may also arrange a phone call with your child’s class teacher. Please do this by phoning the school office on 0214873459 or schedule a phone call with your class teacher via email.

Will pupils and teachers be wearing face masks?

Pupils are not required to wear a face mask. Teachers will wear a face mask where they cannot maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from their students. Masks have been purchased for staff.

What if my child forgets a book/lunch?

Ring the office. Arrange to drop the item at the main front door. This is for emergencies only as visits must be kept to a minimum.

Can my child share or borrow pencil case items?

No. We would ask that each child has two pencil cases. Leave one at school, with all items clearly labelled and the other at home.

Can my child bring toys/ball/ games to school?

Unfortunately, no. Toys etc. from home are not allowed to be brought into school.

What if my child needs to leave school early?

Please make arrangements for this in advance, if possible. Parents must inform the class teacher or school secretary with the date and time of collection and name of the person collecting the child. Please call to the office door to collect your child at the pre-arranged time.

What do I do if my child is absent?

Make contact with the school through our class-level email addresses or phone the office to inform the school.

Have staff received any extra training to keep us all safe?

Yes, staff will have completed School Safety Induction Training prior to 1/09/20 and completed Return to Work forms.

Will all these new procedures relax when staff and pupils are settled back?

The simple answer is no until the guidelines issued by the DES or HSE are changed or updated. We cannot stop the virus from entering our school but we have a duty of care to stop the spread of it and minimise its impact. We will follow HSE and DES guidelines.