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This page includes links and contact details for community groups, clubs and organisations for children. It may be a useful resource for parents who are looking for information and contact details for activities in the local area.
Ballincollig Basketball Club

Ballincollig Basketball Club caters for boys and girls for a range of ages from Under-8 upwards. Check out their website below for details, training times and how to register/make inquiries.
Ballincollig GAA Club
Ballincollig GAA Club has a long, long connection with the community having been founded in 1886. For boys and girls of primary-school age they have a huge variety of teams and training to join. Check out their website below:
Ballincollig Boys’ Football
The club caters for a huge range of ages from Under-5s up for boys’ football. Check out the link below for more information.
Ballincollig Girls’ Football
Check out their facebook page for information and contact details for girls’ football.
Ballincollig Camogie
Camogie is a great sport for girls of all ages. Check out their facebook page below for information and contact details.
Ballincollig Hurling
Ballincollig GAA also hold training and matches for boys’ hurling.
If you would like some information and links to be posted here, please send the details (e.g. activity description, website, facebook link, twitter handle, names and contact details of contact persons, details of ages catered for etc.) to with the title Community Links Page.